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【Rare in Market】Frozen Emperor Fillets (Skin Off)
【Rare in Market】Frozen Emperor Fillets (Skin Off)
【Rare in Market】Frozen Emperor Fillets (Skin Off)
【Rare in Market】Frozen Emperor Fillets (Skin Off)

【Rare in Market】Frozen Emperor Fillets (Skin Off)

Price Watch

Black Market: $173.33/kg
My Meat Man: $249/ kg
My Meat Man: $249/ kg
My Meat Man: $249/ kg
My Meat Man: $249/ kg
Price per kilogram is for indication only, exact weight of item may vary
Sustainable Seafood MSC

Only 5 left in stock

包裝/規格:每塊魚柳大小/重量不同,每塊約 180~200 克

  • 買 4 件 x 375克零售裝 = 約 4 塊魚柳 = 1.5 公斤 = $260
  • 買 8 件 x 375克零售裝 = 約 8 塊魚柳 = 3 公斤 = $498
  • 買 2 件 x 1 公斤裝 = 2 公斤 = $340
  • 買 5 件 x 1 公斤裝 = 5 公斤 = $765


      香港少見嘅急凍連尖(Emperor)魚柳,又叫連占/泥黃、台灣人同學名都係叫龍占。連尖魚同白䲞魚(White Snapper)非常相似,因為係親戚嚟,只不過係唔同家族(科)。





      收工返到屋企發現唔記得解凍晚餐,諗住用熱水或者擺喺枱面解凍?唔得呀,唔安全!呢啲方法會令食物中毒。記住,肉類、家禽或者蛋類要保持喺安全溫度解凍。凍住嘅時候冇問題,但溫度一旦超過 4.4°C,細菌就會開始滋生。

      千祈唔好就咁放喺枱面或者用熱水解凍,亦唔好擺喺室溫超過兩個鐘。即使中間仲係凍嘅,外層可能已經去到「危險區」(4.4 ~ 60°C),細菌會瘋狂繁殖。

      最安全嘅解凍方法係提前計劃,用雪櫃保持喺 4.4°C 以下。你仲可以用凍水或者微波爐解凍。如果趕時間,直接煮凍嘅食物都冇問題,只係時間會長啲。

      • 雪櫃解凍:前計劃,因為需要時間。例如火雞咁大隻每 5 磅需要 1 日時間。細件嘅,例如免治肉或者雞胸肉,需要 1 日時間。解凍後,大部分食物可以保存 1 ~ 2 日,紅肉可以保存 3 ~ 5 日。可以唔煮直接再放返入急凍,但質量可能會下降。
      • 冷水解凍:會快脆啲但要留意,食物要放喺防水袋入面,每 30 分鐘換一次水。細件嘅大約要 1 個鐘時間解凍,大件嘅要 2 ~ 3 個鐘。解凍後要即刻煮。
      • 微波爐解凍:最快但要即刻煮。解凍過程中有啲部分可能開始熟,去到「危險區」,所以解凍後一定要即刻煮。
      Please Note
      • The weight of this product may vary slightly from the advertised weight. Your order should be within +/- 10% of the advertised weight, please contact us at info@blackmarkethk.com if it is not.
      • The pictures are for reference only, the actual product shall prevail.
      • Once the order is confirmed (i.e. the order is successfully placed), it cannot be changed or canceled, returns and refunds are not accepted on all products.
      • Please read our Delivery Policy / Return & Refund Policies carefully before placing your order.
      • If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
      • Pick-up: minimum purchase of $500
      • Pick-up Location: Wong Chuk Hang / Central
      • Delivery Service: minimum purchase of $800
      • Free Delivery: for purchase of $1,500 or more

      包裝/規格:每塊魚柳大小/重量不同,每塊約 180~200 克

      • 買 4 件 x 375克零售裝 = 約 4 塊魚柳 = 1.5 公斤 = $260
      • 買 8 件 x 375克零售裝 = 約 8 塊魚柳 = 3 公斤 = $498
      • 買 2 件 x 1 公斤裝 = 2 公斤 = $340
      • 買 5 件 x 1 公斤裝 = 5 公斤 = $765


          香港少見嘅急凍連尖(Emperor)魚柳,又叫連占/泥黃、台灣人同學名都係叫龍占。連尖魚同白䲞魚(White Snapper)非常相似,因為係親戚嚟,只不過係唔同家族(科)。



          收工返到屋企發現唔記得解凍晚餐,諗住用熱水或者擺喺枱面解凍?唔得呀,唔安全!呢啲方法會令食物中毒。記住,肉類、家禽或者蛋類要保持喺安全溫度解凍。凍住嘅時候冇問題,但溫度一旦超過 4.4°C,細菌就會開始滋生。

          千祈唔好就咁放喺枱面或者用熱水解凍,亦唔好擺喺室溫超過兩個鐘。即使中間仲係凍嘅,外層可能已經去到「危險區」(4.4 ~ 60°C),細菌會瘋狂繁殖。

          最安全嘅解凍方法係提前計劃,用雪櫃保持喺 4.4°C 以下。你仲可以用凍水或者微波爐解凍。如果趕時間,直接煮凍嘅食物都冇問題,只係時間會長啲。

          • 雪櫃解凍:前計劃,因為需要時間。例如火雞咁大隻每 5 磅需要 1 日時間。細件嘅,例如免治肉或者雞胸肉,需要 1 日時間。解凍後,大部分食物可以保存 1 ~ 2 日,紅肉可以保存 3 ~ 5 日。可以唔煮直接再放返入急凍,但質量可能會下降。
          • 冷水解凍:會快脆啲但要留意,食物要放喺防水袋入面,每 30 分鐘換一次水。細件嘅大約要 1 個鐘時間解凍,大件嘅要 2 ~ 3 個鐘。解凍後要即刻煮。
          • 微波爐解凍:最快但要即刻煮。解凍過程中有啲部分可能開始熟,去到「危險區」,所以解凍後一定要即刻煮。
          • The weight of this product may vary slightly from the advertised weight. Your order should be within +/- 10% of the advertised weight, please contact us at info@blackmarkethk.com if it is not.
          • The pictures are for reference only, the actual product shall prevail.
          • Once the order is confirmed (i.e. the order is successfully placed), it cannot be changed or canceled, returns and refunds are not accepted on all products.
          • Please read our Delivery Policy / Return & Refund Policies carefully before placing your order.
          • If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
          • Pick-up: minimum purchase of $500
          • Pick-up Location: Wong Chuk Hang / Central
          • Delivery Service: minimum purchase of $800
          • Free Delivery: for purchase of $1,500 or more